Team Secret Collaboration
Purchase AFK Here!
Team Secret possesses a unique equilibrium between the apex of individual skill, and timely team-oriented selflessness mid-match. Last year, our Levante crew got to witness their magic first-hand at TI8, and our aligned pursuit of quality set us on the course to brew the perfect post-match drink.
We brew with precision, focus, and execution that align with Team Secret's mission. Furthermore, you can rest assured, no drink assured, that every ounce of our beer includes a unique ingredient beyond barley, hops, water, and yeast; this ingredient is inspiration.
“秘密团队”兼备高超出众的个人技能和高效的团队合作能力以及无我精神,二者达成了独特的均衡。去年,Levante的工作人员在2018年TI8 国际邀请赛上展现了“秘密团队”的风采。Levante拥有和比赛队员一样对质量的追求,并且将这种追求带到酿造完美的赛后畅饮中。“秘密团队”的使命是精准、专注、执行。与其一样,我们酿造啤酒的精神亦是如此。我们保证,除了大麦、啤酒花、水和酵母,每一滴Levante啤酒都蕴藏了一种特殊的成分,它就是灵感。

Away From Keyboard
AFK is designed specifically for performance-driven gamers as the perfect Away From Keyboard refreshment. Crafted with golden grain from America's Heartland in Wisconsin, AFK delivers full-bodied flavor with universal appeal. Barley and flaked oats provide a soft-mouthfeel to support a dialed-in bouquet of hoppiness, courtesy of exclusively contracted hop varieties grown sustainably in Oregon. You can expect sensory waves of freshly peeled citrus, subtle tropical passionfruit, and the zest of grapefruit rind to encapsulate your AFK experience; we're renowned for our proprietary process of infusing the flavor-ripe lupulin oils from select hops to altogether raise the threshold of flavor and freshness in our ales.
When it comes to our liquid, how do we prove that we're the best? A blind taste-test, where the liquid speaks for itself. Hop Culture Magazine, New York City's premiere publication of craft beer tastemakers, set up a blind tasting of America's best trending IPA's judged by industry experts. By unanimous decision, Levante stole the show.