Welcome Aboard Zach Woomer
We're pleased to welcome our newest team member Zach Woomer to the Levante family. He may be a new full timer, but he's definitely an OG; he's been designing for us for years now, everything from merch and glassware to our fleet of over 70 can and bottle labels. Our can art isn't rigid, instead each can is a canvas for Zach's imagination.
We got a chance to interrupt Zach at his drawing desk:
What is it like to be an artist focused on craft beer?
Zach: Imagine your dream job. Then imagine actually doing that job for a living.
Where do you find inspiration for your creations?
Zach: Usually from conversations, and other artists I admire. Van Gogh, Steadman, M.C. Escher; I look at their stuff and think "How the hell did they think of that?" I don't like being tied down to one style, and I'm thankful I'm given almost complete creative freedom to really mess around. It reminds me of being in college, I just get to focus on making cool $#!+.
Do you have any favorite can labels?
Zach: I did a bottle label for one called Pointillism I really like, Bodacity and Fluffy Stuff are also ones I had a lot of fun making. A new favorite is Friends Without Benefits that's being released soon, on this label I tried to show both sides of that kind of relationship. Depends on how you look at it.
How about a favorite beer to drink?
Zach: I was always a fan of Kolibri (#bringBackTheKolsch), but Tropical Whip is $*&#@^% delicious.
What are some of your creative goals for 2019?
Just to keep growing as an artist. I finally feel like I'm in a place where art and design are fun again, that I'm part of something really inspiring. And we're just getting started.